My First Year
First Picture Album
Day 3 to 5
Day 6 to 31
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12 My One Year Old Birthday Party
July 17, 2004.... First Birthday Party My One Year Old Birthday Party - for some reason, I wasn't too into it - I wasn't my jolly, social self today!
July 16, 2004.... Grocery Shopping I went grocery shopping with my parents in preparation for my birthday party. It was my first time riding in a shopping cart. How fun!
July 10, 2004.... Lau Get-Together We had a get together at Auntie Debra and Uncle Paul's place. It was neat as grandpa, all my aunties, and almost all my cousins were there. We had a blast!
July 7, 2004.... Cousins... 3 more cousins from Texas came to visit today. I'm having so much fun with all the visitors...
June 26, 2004.... Party Animal A little dinner get together with Natalie and Makana...
June 21, 2004.... Cousin Makana Cousin Makana from Hong Kong is here to visit. We are going to have so much fun...
June 20, 2004.... Happy Father's Day Happy Daddy's Day! Also, I learned how to use a straw today(All by myself!)... Using a Straw
June 19, 2004.... Auntie Irene's Wedding We attended Mommy's co-worker's wedding. It has a tiring day for me - so tiring that I felt asleep while eating my dinner... Exhaustive Day Exhaustive Day
May 23, 2004.... First time on a swing. What's so fun about it? The sun is blinding me... First Time on Swing
May 15, 2004.... Future Badminton Star Mommy and Daddy took me to the gym to watch them play badminton. It was fun except I fell backwards and hit my head on the hard floor. I only cried for 5 seconds as Daddy picked me up right away and consoled me. I felt much better after that.
May 8, 2004.... Happy Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day! I'm extremely grateful for my Mommy!!! She's the best!!!
May 6, 2004.... Feeding Myself Bread My first time eating bread. Yummy!!! Yummy Bread
April 23, 2004.... 20 lb 9 oz I had my 9 month appointment today. 20 lb. 8 oz. I'm also happy because I did not have to get any shots today. Just a little poke on my toe. Little Band-Aid on My Big Toe
April 22, 2004.... First Time with Hair Clips! My first time wearing hair clips. I need to grow more hair first. Don't I look a little funny now? China Doll
April 18, 2004.... Happy Birthday, Daddy and Grandma! We celebrated Daddy's and Grandma's birthday today! Their birthdays are only 4 days apart. Happy Birthday, Daddy and Grandma!
April 17, 2004.... Happy Birthday, Daddy! We had a little pre-birthday celebration for Daddy. Happy Birthday, Daddy!
April 4, 2004.... Happy Birthday, Rachel! We had a little birthday celebration for Rachel. Happy 1st Birthday, Rachel!
March 30, 2004.... Hana, Benjamin, Micah Mommy and I got together with the 3 new mommies and babies. It feels like so long ago since I was that small...Actually, I was never that small!
March 28, 2004.... Baby Dedication Pastor Chris Praying For Us Mommy and Daddy officially dedicated me to God this morning at SJCAC. But even before today, I knew that I am a precious gift from God and that God will use me to touch the lives of others in this world!
March 27, 2004.... We celebrated Ellicia's birthday today. Also, the final get-together before Gung Gung goes back to Hong Kong. Bye Bye, Gung Gung
March 22, 2004.... Playing with Hana Grace Mommy and I visited Hana Grace tonight. We want to starting bonding early on so we can have good chemistry later in the basketball courts. It also gives me a chance to see how it feels like to be a big sister. Big Sister
March 7, 2004.... Playing with Gung Gung Gung Gung came back to the U.S. to visit. I'm so happy. The last time I saw him, I was only 6 weeks old. And back then, all I did was sleep.
February 28, 2004.... Attended my first live sporting event - professional lacrosse at the San Jose Arena. I'm hoping Daddy will take me to many more in the future. Uncle Dan and Auntie Linda
February 27, 2004.... Turning Over I finally managed to turned over completely today. Unfortunately, nobody saw me do it. By the time Mommy looked, I turned over already.
February 14, 2004.... Happy Valentines Day My first Valentine's Day...It was a busy day so not much celebration. But amazingly somehow, Mommy and Daddy was able to dine in a restaurant with no one else in it. Isn't that amazing???
February 10, 2004.... Don't I look so comfy? Mommy and I hung out with Auntie Caroline and Uncle Dave today. I'm looking forward to meeting their baby Chloe - about to come into this world anytime...
February 7, 2004.... As you can see, I'm learning to like rice cereal much better than before. Rice Cereal Um... What a day I had today. It's my first time riding in a stroller without the car seat. It's so much more fun. Enjoying Freedom in my Stroller And to top off the day, I inherited a doll from Rachel since Rachel does not like to play with them. My New Doll What should I name her?
January 24, 2004.... First Solids Meal I entered the world of solids food; however, my first reaction didn't look too pleasant. First Reaction
January 23, 2004.... My Weight Today was my 6-month appointment. Poor me...I was not happy the moment I stepped into the exam room. By the way, I am now 26.5 inches and weighing exactly 18lbs.
January 21, 2004.... My first chinese new year celebration. As usual, I had fun interacting with Rachel. Happy Chinese New Year! Like our hats?
January 2, 2004.... Get-together at Auntie Debra's... California Laus
December 25, 2003.... Christmas day was very cold. We took a short stroll to the park though. At the park First time playing at the park
December 24, 2003.... Grandparents We spent Christmas Eve with grandparents. This is my first Christmas. I especially had fun with Rachel... Rachel and I
December 23, 2003.... Sleeping sideways Mommy found me sideways in my crib after my afternoon nap. She had no idea how I did that...Later on, I was almost 180 degrees from where I started. 180 degrees
December 21, 2003.... Little Cutie Santa We visited Cousin Natalie today. I had so much fun... Exhausted...
December 14, 2003.... Left Bank French Restaurant Mommy and Daddy took me to a nice French restaurant tonight. They enjoyed the food alot. I am looking forward to the day when I will also be able to enjoy all these yummy food. Mommy was really happy that Daddy finally took her out to some place nice since I was born... Left Bank French Restaurant
December 8, 2003.... Hannah Hannah and Auntie Bea came to visit us today. Hannah is about 6 months older than me...
November 27, 2003.... Thanksgiving Feast We went to Auntie Angela for Thanksgiving. Look at all the yummy food. I wish I can eat them too... Thanksgiving Feast
November 25, 2003.... My Weight Today I had my 4-month appointment. I am now 25.75 inches and weighing almost 16lbs. 11oz. Check out these big needles that I got poked with. 3 Big Needles
November 16, 2003.... Today was Ashley's 1st birthday party. I'm learning that it's more fun to stay awake during parties. Uncle Dan and Auntie Linda
November 13, 2003.... I got to sit in a high chair for the first time. What's next? Sitting in a High Chair - First Time
November 9, 2003.... Today is Natalie's First Birthday Party. Amazingly, I stayed awake most of the time. Natalie's First Birthday Party
October 31, 2003.... I used to hate tummy time. But now that I'm older, I'm getting pretty good at this. See how high I can lift my head? Getting good at tummy time!
October 23, 2003.... Daddy surprised Mommy with a small cheesecake for her birthday yesterday, but since they were too full, they didn't eat any until today. Happy Birthday, Mommy!
October 22, 2003.... Today is Mommy's birthday. To celebrate, we went to Picture People to take some nice family pictures and then to Todai to pig out. Happy Birthday, Mommy!
October 19, 2003.... Auntie Stephanie was in town this weekend. This is an outfit that she gave me. Posing with Auntie Stephanie
October 18, 2003.... We went to Amanda's first birthday party. Notice that we matched outfits? Total coincidence. Purple family
October 9, 2003.... Mommy took me to Picture People and here's my first pictures taken by "professionals". First Professional Picture! Cute Baby in a Basket
September 28, 2003.... Mommy, Auntie and Me! Mommy and Me! I stayed awake alot tonight. I must have been mumbling for at least 45 minutes straight. Mommy and Auntie Winnie had fun dressing me up in one of Rachel's outfit. Rachel and I got to take pictures together again. Rachel and Me!
September 23, 2003.... I had my 2-month doctor appointment today. They gave me 3 shots. :( Of course I cried. But I was okay once I was back in Mommy's arms. I am now 23.5 inches and weighing almost 13lbs. 11oz. Me with Snoopy Band-aids after 3 shots!
September 9, 2003.... Gung Gung and Me! Gung Gung and Me! Usually, when Gung Gung sees me, I'm sleeping. So tonight, I decided to stay awake long enough for him to play with me. He's going back to Hong Kong tomorrow. I'm gonna miss him. Come back soon to play with me! :( Gung Gung: Mommy, Daddy and I will pray for you everyday...
September 2, 2003.... Mommy decided to play with me by dressing me up in different outfits. Here's one... Hula Girl
September 1, 2003.... Labor Day Holiday - Grandpa(Gung Gung) was able to take pictures with 5 of his 9 grandkids. I'm No. 9. Everyone had a good time. I am too young to know what's going on - so kind of clueless. Elliot, Natalie, Ellicia, Alex, Grandpa, and Me
August 24, 2003.... My first time going to church today. Again, I slept through everything.
August 19, 2003.... I had an early 1-month birthday celebration. Too bad I am too young to eat the cake...
August 15, 2003.... Today I got to sleep in my crib for the first time. It's so comfortable!!!
August 8, 2003.... 2 Cranky Babies I got to spend some more time with Rachel today. We looked kind of cranky with this first picture. But then we looked much better later on... Rachel Sharing Pacifier with me?
August 4, 2003.... Going Out... I'm 2 weeks old today. My doctor appointment went very well. I'm now 21.75 inches long and 9 lb 11 oz. I'm over the 90th percentile in all measurements. :) Today is also the first day I've been out of the house since coming home from the hospital; however, I slept through everything... Sweet Dreams...
July 31, 2003.... Cousin Rachel I finally got to meet cousin Rachel today. She's so much bigger than me. I have alot of catching up to do. Can't wait until I can play with her.
July 28, 2003.... Today, I took my first sponge bath. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience. First sponge bath I also got to take pictures with Grandpa and Grandma. Picture with Grandma Picture with Grandma and Grandpa
July 27, 2003.... I can almost hold the bottle by myself!
July 25, 2003.... We finally get to go home from the hospital! Daddy's favorite picture This is my first time sitting in a car seat. Very Comfy... On the way home, we stopped by to visit Grandpa(Gung Gung)... Nice to meet you, Gung Gung!
July 24, 2003.... By the 4th day, I discovered that I love to sleep and eat(just like Mommy).I'm hungry!!! Burp!!! Much better!!!  I'm getting sleepy now... Watch my burping skills:

July 21, 2003 03:43 PM....My First PictureAfter 3 hours of pushing and a Caesarian Section, I was born! First hug with Mommy When the nurse put me on the scale, I weighed a whopping 9 lb 2 oz. 9 lb 1.7 oz to be exact!
Before birth....Mommy and Daddy went to Seattle and a computer predicted I would look something like that. Fortunately, After 18 weeks in Mommy's womb I turned out much better.
Daddy's and Mommy's last picture taken before I was born. Taken on the day of their 3rd anniversary.
Last Updated:  August 10, 2004